Queen Elizabeth Parks Project

Latest Project News


Project Team members visited Uganda in May to deliver Ranger Care Boxes to Ranger colleagues at Queen Elizabeth National Park, Mount Elgon National Park and Kidepo National Park.

The Ranger Care Boxes include first aid kits, boots, socks, water purification kits, blankets and roll mats, were funded by the Thin Green Line Foundation and delivered with help from Range Land Safaris. 

This equipment will help Rangers stationed at more remote anti-poaching ourposts and those undertaking foot patrols.

The Project would like to thank, Ronnie, Jan, Stu and Steve for giving up thier time.

If you would like to support the Ranger Care Box programme, please click on the donation button below or enquire about donating equipment using the email form on our contacts page. 

An article about this project was published in Ranger Magazine

Education News

Project Team members were able to make brief visits to Katuguru Primary School and Rihamu School during their recent visit to Uganda delivering equipment for Rangers.

Both Schools had only just started to get back into full education programmes after closures through covid. 

Watch the the you tube video to hear about the impact of covid from Ramathan a teacher at Katunguru School.


Rihamu School had also suffered because of recent floods, but have made amazing efforts to restore things to good order, and had also managed to plant up part of the school with keyhole gardens, a project which several schools are involved in as part of a potential British Council exhange programme.



Project Events 

The next Project event will be a UK Schools Cluster Meeting - This is schedule to take place in November.